If you're looking for information about the author, the novel, the catch, the play, the historical context, or the movie, these links are some of the best starting points on the Internet.

There are thousands of pages with additional related information on aspects of Joseph Heller's Catch-22 available on the Internet. Many of the pages linked to from here provide additional links to other sites.

Catch-22 article from Wikipedia
This free, user-maintained encyclopedia has extensive articles relating to Catch-22. Information about the author, characters, quotes and historical context is available.

Catch-22 on the Amazon.com Bookstore
Editorial and personal reviews, book details, statistically improbable phrases. New and used copies of the book are for sale.

Catch-22 Movie on IMDb
In 1970, Catch-22 was adapted into a movie, starring Alan Arkin as Yossarian. Reviews and links to buy a video of the movie.

List of Errors: Catch-22
Points out the common misuse of Catch-22 to describe a problem, clarifies it's usage, and suggests alternative phrases.

The Joseph Heller Archive
From the University of South Carolina's Thomas Cooper Library, the comprehensive record of Mr. Heller's literary career of more than thirty years with original manuscripts.

Remarkable Columbians: Joseph Heller
From Columbia University, where Heller received his masters degree in English, an excellent collection of interviews, readings, and information about Heller.

Catch 22 | Directory of Related Links | Stylistic/Rhetorical Strategies

Person Responsible for Maintaining This Page: Martin Burch, martin@martinburch.com

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